Whale Creek Marina supports following the rules when fishing and boating. Below are links to the current New Jersey Department of Fish and Wildlife regulations, as well as the Saltwater Recreational Registry.
Please note, as of 2010 fishermen must be registered on both the federal and NJ registries! If you have a saltwater recreational fishing license or registration from any state (except Hawaii, Puerto Rico, or the U.S.V.I.), you are AUTOMATICALLY registered on the federal registry. The New Jersey registry is free and easy to do online.
- New Jersey State Size and Possession Limits
- 2020 New Jersey Marine Regulation Summary
- New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife
- New Jersey Marine Digest
- Federal Saltwater Angler Registry (automatically registered with fishing license)
- NJ Saltwater Recreational Registry (free to register – no $15 fee)
- NJ Saltwater Registry Info